Capitol Hill Communications


Book Review: "Nicely Said"

Erin PhillipsComment

Nicole Fenton and Kate Kiefer Lee really nail it in this book. It was recommended to me earlier this year by my teacher at the School of Visual Concepts where I took a course on “Writing for UX.” If all writing on the web was this clear and concise, the (internet) world would be a better place. Practicing what they preach, each chapter provides simple, tactical how-to on web writing. It covers writing for marketing copy, interface flow, blog posts, legal policies and emails.

Beyond the fundamentals, what resonnated with me the most was the emphasis they placed on writing with a human quality. They remind us that above all else—your audience is human. In writing well for the web, we often must relinquish the formalities and grammatical correctness for a more conversational tone. Know your audience, meet them where they are. It builds rapport and trust which means success!